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Problems with Fido App

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi, I cannot log into the Fido App since a couple of days. It always says they hit a snag and I should try again later. I did, but it didn't work. I have reinstalled. But still not working. Any suggestions? Thanks 


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey there @Nik06


Welcome to the Community Smiley


A few questions to better assist you with this situation:


  1. Are you currently using an Android or an iPhone?
  2. Is your phone's OS updated to the latest version as well?
  3. When did you activate this Fido number?


Let us know!

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I use an iPhone, latest software. I signed up in July and at first the App worked fine. Thanks. 

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Thank you for the update.


Can you please complete the following steps:


  1. Reset your login password for (this will also impact the mobile app)
  2. Try to login once again to the app using the same credentials (email address as username + password)
  3. If you're still unable to login, please reinstall the app once more


Should you still be unable to access the Fido mobile app, we'll need to investigate this further. Please reach out to us using these methods and one of our agents will open a ticket to have this looked into.