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Fido app asks for authorization every day

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Every day that I try to access the Fido app it asks me to authorize it. I put in my phone number it sends me a text and I am able to get into my account for a day but the next day it is the same process over and over again. I have had to do this every day since Oct 3rd, last time was 5 minutes ago. I chatted with you all last week on 2 occasions about it and was told it’s a technical issue and it will be resolved. How much longer do I have to deal with this inconvenience. I have deleted and reinstalled the app multiple times. Please advise. 


I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

It has been a month and I haven’t even received a notification that a ticket has been opened. Is this issue still being looked into?  It’s still happening every single day

Hey @Rgeno79,


Sorry to hear that the app is still asking you to authenticate each time you try to access it. When there will be a resolution to your ticket, you should get a notification by SMS Smiley We can take a look at it if you want, just let us know and we'll send you a PM!




Hey @Rgeno79 Smiley 


I would lose patience as well if my Fido app didn't work. I can understand where you are coming from.


You mentioned calling the customer service 2 times already. Was a ticket opened for your issue?



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3



Yes one was, according to the 2nd agent that I spoke to last Thursday. How long is it taking for tickets to be addressed? 

Hey @Rgeno79! I hope you're well. Smiley


You will normally receive an acknowledgement within 96 business hours of us sending the ticket. Treatment for this type of issue can take up to 20 busiuness days. You will receive word once the issue is resolved.



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I'm also experiencing this: the iOS Fido app asks me to verify it via text message authorization every single time I launch the app if it's no longer actively running in the background.

Hey @Guspaz, I'll send you a PM so we can open a ticket in your account. 

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

This is an issue with the most recent app version. It does this every time a user logs in after 24 hours. When you go to the app after 24 hours it will prompt suggesting it couldn’t sign in. Then it will ask to authenticate.