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Can't redeem PKG Monday to Sunday bundle

I'm helpful level 2
I'm helpful level 2

Hello Fido,


Once again I am a winner of one of your contests, great!


I am posting this just for backup as a reference.


So I logged onto Fido extra this morning and was greeted with a lucky message saying I have won the PKG Monday to Sunday Father's day bundle, nice!


So I claimed the prize, gave my info, answered the math question and got to the "Redeem Now" link. Now when I click on the "Redeem Now" link it redirects me back to the Fido extra app with nothing new regarding winning this prize.


A very similar experience happened when I luckily won the Amazon Gift card, pretty much the exact same thing happened except very close to the contest deadline I clicked the "Redeem Now" link and it finally linked me to the redeemable gift card code. I'm guessing this will probably happen in this case but I wanted to post this for reference.


I will post a few screenshots I took.


pkg screenshot 1.png

pkg screenshot 2.png


Hopefully all the sudden it will work like the last contest I won, either way this post can be used for reference as of now.


I'm qualified level 1
I'm qualified level 1

Hi @cliff,


Try clearing the app cache then go back to the contest and you should be able to claim the prize.

I'm helpful level 2
I'm helpful level 2

Hey NaliniR,


Clearing the fido app's cache worked!


The order has been processed with the free code provided from Fido.



I'm helpful level 2
I'm helpful level 2


 Thanks Fido!