Heads up! I was doing a phone upgrade and the price given at the start - step 1 - was $15/m but when I reached step 4 it changed to $47.46 with a $27 discount - a total of 20.46. My monthly total in steps 1 to 3 was $70/m (plus tax) and by step 4...
I am so disappointed with this response - clearly you did not even read my post - just the title?I was offered a phone for $15/m (image1) for a total of $55 + $15 = $70 before taxOn step 4 (image 2) the price changed to $47.46 with a $27 discount fo...
I am a very experiened forum user and new here. Finding the forums was not intuitive - you have 3 major featured areas but I got here through a Support link - so from support to contact us to fido community - to the message below. Note that while Bl...