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iphone 13

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I preordered iPhone 13 last October 20 and no email when the phone is expected to arrive. How can I know the ETA? If rumors about it being shipped out by December then I'd rather cancel it



Hey @mkobeee


As with most iPhones upon launch, they are high in demand. This causes an additional delay when it comes to the usually delivery delay of 2-3 business days.

Depending on the exact model of the iPhone 13, the delay could slightly vary. However for the most part they have a 1-3 week delay before it's shipped out. 


Once your phone is ready to be shipped out, you'll get the email confirmation along with the tracking number and finance details. 

If ever you want to make changes on your order, or have further questions about it, please reach out to our customer care team and they'll be able to help you further!