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When can I expect my iPhone 13?

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I pre-ordered (I think?) the new iPhone 13, but so far have only received from Fido saying my credit card payment was confirmed. Did I successfully pre-order the iPhone? When will it ship and more details be emailed to me?


Who else pre-ordered iPhone 13?


I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I pre-ordered iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPhone 13 Pro both in the blue color. Got iPhone 13 Pro Max tracking number yesterday. But not the iPhone 13 Pro, I'm 1st position in line for iPhone 13 Pro, and 2nd poisition in line for the Pro Max. I'm suprised that they shipped out the Pro Max first.


Hey @Stu11Pro! Philippe here. I hope you're doing well. Smiley


It's most definitely a pre-order that you did, as the phone is only being released on September 24th. It will start being shipped out on the same date; at which time you'll receive an email to confirm everything.


I hope that helps!