September 2017
I noticed that the wireless home phone (WF720) wasn't shown in the thread on how to unlock it but the wireless home phone (WF721) was. Any help on unlocking the WF720 or is it the same thing as the WF721?
*** Edited to add labels ***
January 2024
I got the same issue for unlocking the WF720. The customber service told me that the system cannot find my imei code on the back lablet.
January 2024
Hey @limaohua, Alex here!
Have you tried to get the IMEI using the steps @samgabbay suggested?
If the number on the label doesn't match, we should be able to unlock it with that.
September 2017
Hey @robertnguyen10
According to reddit, if you have the unlock code (Which you can likely get from fido Customer service, if not from a third party seller/website), here is the procedure:
Please connect WF720 with a landline, then pick up the receiver and dial * 9 8 3 * 8 6 * xxxx # (XXXX means 16 digits unlock code)
October 2017
September 2017
Hey @robertnguyen10,
Welcome the the Community!
That's a very good question! I'll make sure to look into it and I'll get back to you with an answer