June 2020
I have lost my iPhone XR and when reported in store, they made me to pay for 1-balance, 2-upgrade to new phone(iphone11) 3-pay for upgrade 4-go to a new 2 years plan
is it how premium protection plan works?
another question: after I have paid all those fees and got new iPhone 11, the store had no glass protection in store and they made me to buy another protection plan (13$/m) after 3 days my phone dropped and some scratches on screen, how can I use this protection plan to change my LCD now? Anyway to claim online? Or I have to spend one day and walk trough a FIDO store?
June 2020
Hello Aminpanahi,
Sorry to hear you've lost your phone. In which Province do you reside? As far as I am aware, Brightstar does not have loss or theft protection in Québec (see here). If you live in Québec, that could account for what you did to replace your phone.
On the other hand, if you live in one of the other Provinces, I thought you should have been able to submit the claim to Brightstar via My Account --> Usage & Services --> Mobile (or select phone number). From there you would select Report lost or stolen device under Quick Actions (near bottom of page). You should note that there would have been a replacement processing fee which would have depended on the MSRP of the device. You should also note that you would still have had to pay the monthly fees towards your device (or remaining balance). That is, you would have had to keep your subsidised plan or continue paying the financing on your lost phone for the remainder of your iPhone XR contract.
Now that you have the iPhone 11, if you would wish to submit a claim for your scratched screen, you can initiate the process via My Account --> Usage & Services --> Mobile (or select phone number). From there you would select Start or track a phone repair claim under Quick Actions (near bottom of page). You should note that your first screen break repair will have $0 repair processing fee if no other damage is present. Other repairs would require a repair processing fee outlined in the link above.
Hope this helps 😀