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Nokia C6- Data option?

I'm qualified level 1
I'm qualified level 1

I was curious. The Nokia C6 is normally categorized as a smartphone, yet Fido has put it in it's standard phone category. What I'm curious about is wether the C6 will use the basic 10$ unlimited data option like with any standard phone or if it will use smartphone data plans, since the phone technically is a smartphone?



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey WickyLeBlond,

Good question! I was wondering the same thing. The answer I was given is that yes, it is compatible with the $10.00 Unlimited Mobile Browsing add-on.

I have not receive any live confirmation of that statement. This or they decided to offer a SmartPhone without any mandatory monthly data add-on.


Can someone confirm here? Someone who actually tried it...

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Yes, it will work with the $10 Unlimited Mobile Browsing option (or the $15 value pack which contains UMB)



I'm experienced level 1
I'm experienced level 1

:womanvery-happy:  Yet another YES  :womanvery-happy: