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Missed the Winback call

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1


I recently ported out of Fido, and received an email from them the very next day stating that a fido ambassador will be reaching out to me with exclusive deals. However, my pixel filtered the call as spam, and I never got the call notification. I did call bacl and leave a voicemail. Will they get back to me? I have been waiting to get the call and my stupid phone filters it. Is there a way you can ask them to please contact me again? Note: This was the first time they called me.



Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @Meet99,


They normally should call you back, however I'll send you a PM to take a closer look into it. 


Just a quick heads up, for any account related inquiries in the future you can reach out to us here.


I'll talk to you soon!