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Lumia 830 & Qi Wireless Charging

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Whenever I read about the Nokia Lumia 830 on other sites they mention Qi charging as a key feature, but it isn't mentioned on Fido (or Rogers).

Why is this?

Is it because it doesn't come with the required charging pad?

Or is it simply not available on the version Fido carries?



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

That's a really good question ABlair!


I'll see what I can find on my end Smiley

In the meantime, @communiteee, can anyone help?

I'm qualified level 2
I'm qualified level 2

Check the Manufacturer's Website link in this page:


 You will see this:


And you can see that the wireless charging should be a build in feature of this phone, for Roger, Fido, Telus and Bell. 

Hey ABlair!


@AdamBeast is indeed correct Smiley Thanks!

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Thank you.

I'm still curious why it isn't mentioned anywhere on the Fido site like it is for the S6.

Under the S6 description:

" mAnd [sic] what’s more, wireless charging offers users the ultimate convenience."

(the "m" should probably be removed btw)

I'm qualified level 2
I'm qualified level 2

Thanks for letting us know, I have submitted feedback to proper deparment. Smiley