December 2012
Like millions of Canadians, I am a hardcore Blackberry fan and I like Fido too. I have been loyal Fido customer for several years but I am really disappointed with Fido for it's lackluster introduction on Blackberry products. I had to buy Bold 9900 off market because Fido couldn’t be bothered to introduce it to its customer while it was one of the first to introduce Iphone 5!!!! So I really like to know if Fido is introducing BB10 or I shold be looking at alternatives. Can any one please answer?
***Edited to add labels***
December 2012
Fido doesn't have much options other than the iPhone. I have also patiently waited for fido to release a new blackberry and had to buy an unlocked one from eBay. I called to ask if they would get the s3 or note 2 and it only took 6 months to get the s3. If fido does not have a new blackberry 10 when it is released, I will be looking else where for a new plan since mine has been up for a year and looks like several providers are offering unlimited plans now.
January 2013
Yeah someone tell the monkeys in upper management at Fido to bring BlackBerry 10
February 2013
Fido BB10 is more expensive than othe carriers
February 2013