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I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Can someone plz help me out!!

i got offer for free blackberry data and i took it!

it is currently giving me free blackberry data but when i signed in my hotmail

a message came up and it says thank you for activating data services and now i have browser internet which i didn"t have...are they charging me????



***Edited to add labels***


I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

free blackberry data meaning social networking data? because social networking does not include certain things... Then yes they will charge u for using your browser.  However if u have actual data, then it will be based on your usage.

Not applicable
the services you get are determined by which service books your phone receives. if you have no service books, you get a message to subscribe to data, or no data available, once your phone receives the service books, it ALLOWS you to open which ever apps or browsers your service book determins, if you were given browser access, its because the service book was received by your phone and you were given access to this, if not you would have not been given access. so maybe your black berry data plan includes this, you should go over your bill and find out exactly what black berry plan u got ie how much data allotment, cus u dont wanna go over and abuse it, right? if its 500 mb try to keep within it.