April 2015
Hey everyone!
Whether it’s your first time here or you’ve been around for a while, why not introduce yourself!? We look forward to meeting you all - not just on a username basis!
To get this started, how about you tell us a bit about yourself? What do you like? What are you known for? What’s your passion? Have fun with it, but remember the community guidelines .
If you’d like to get to know the Fido Community crew, head over here.
Nice to meet you! 🙂
August 2019
Thanks for sharing and welcome to our Community, @Nattom2657!
April 2019
I am Ef Tee in Ottawa, Canada.
Up until now tried to support Canadian mobile (BB) but sad to see that they are not popular anymore!
November 2018
Hi Everyone,
I have been a Fido customer for a long time and I only realized today that there is a Fido Community! It looks pretty cool, I'm looking forward to checking it out and connecting with fellow Fido-nians
Name, nickname?
Michelle, some people call me Michy, or "Michelle my Belle"
Cat or dog person?
Defintely a dog person - especially have a soft spot for bull dogs. Cats are adorable though
Coffee or tea?
I like coffee over tea normally, but I love a nice green tea latte!
Favorite meal?
I like going out for vietnamese/thai food, but my comfort meal is curry goat with rice and peas!
Fun fact about yourself?
I am double jointed in my thumbs and toes.....and can do something funky with my tongue lol
I'm also half chinese, mixed with jamaican, irish and indian!
Ultimate vacation destination?
I have been to Jamaica a few times and love it, but I have never anywhere in Canada outside of Ontario or Quebec - I would love to go to British Columbia!
Anything else?
I just upgraded my plan and ordered my first Huaweii device (both a phone and a tablet). Looking forward to trying out the cool camera on the Huaweii P20 Pro!
November 2018
February 2019
I just arrived to Canada
February 2019
October 2018
Hi: Very glad to be here. Now I can (hopefully) get some of my curiosities put to rest, ex. how to use my phone, lol. Looks like great spot to be.
@FidoCaroline wrote:Hey everyone!
Whether it’s your first time here or you’ve been around for a while, why not introduce yourself!? We look forward to meeting you all - not just on a username basis!
To get this started, how about you tell us a bit about yourself? What do you like? What are you known for? What’s your passion? Have fun with it, but remember the community guidelines .
If you’d like to get to know the Fido Community crew, head over here.
Nice to meet you!
April 2018
Hello everybody
My name is Alisha I am a dog person a big dog person...not the little ones with attitude. Lol
I don't like coffee or tea
I would love to go to Italy for a vacay
I forget what the other questions were but it's very nice to meet u all
April 2018
My name is jahan and i have seen your information about MVP Program and i am intrested to join in .
But i could not able to find link how i can able to join in .
i am always around the computers and i know about the hardware some of cell phones once i am into it i can always figure out ..
Let me know please
Thank you .
April 2018
@Jahangir wrote:
My name is jahan and i have seen your information about MVP Program and i am intrested to join in .
But i could not able to find link how i can able to join in .
i am always around the computers and i know about the hardware some of cell phones once i am into it i can always figure out ..
Let me know please
Thank you .
Hey @Jahangir
Thanks for your interest in the MVP program!
You can find more details about the program here! As you will see, it's an invite-only program. People who get selected for the program are active in the community, get a bunch of likes and answer other members' questions!
I hope this answers your question!
April 2018
i already check the details before sending you the email now i am sure how to get in ..
Thank you.
April 2018
Marvelous! You're welcome @Jahangir.
We're really looking forward to exchanging with you on the Community
April 2018
Thank you .
So what do i do i am start looking at the links being in community where do i start from .
April 2018
April 2018
Thanks for the feedback .
April 2018
The first thing you can do is stop texting me every minute...i am trying to sleep!
September 2017
September 2017
Love this! Thanks for sharing @Micernice13
@Community, anyone else want to share a little about themselves?
October 2017
Name, nickname?
Cat or dog person?
Coffee or tea?
Definitely coffee and always from Tim Hortons
Favorite meal?
Italian, Japanese or Thai
Moment of triumph?
When I win money at the Lottery
Fun fact about yourself?
I love to play hockey.
Ultimate vacation destination?
The Mediterranean region
October 2017
Hey @jlits
Nice to meet you! Thanks for sharing a bit about you
Tim hortons and hockey...doesn't get much more Canadian than that eh?! hehe
August 2017