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Introduce yourself!

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey everyone!


Whether it’s your first time here or you’ve been around for a while, why not introduce yourself!? We look forward to meeting you all - not just on a username basis!


To get this started, how about you tell us a bit about yourself? What do you like? What are you known for? What’s your passion?  Have fun with it, but remember the community guidelines . Wink


If you’d like to get to know the Fido Community crew, head over here.


Nice to meet you! 🙂


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi, I'm Polly. My husband and I love dogs and have a 22-year-old miniature poodle mixed. I love chocolate or any types of dessert. Reading and watching movies are my interests. I would love to travel around the world. 

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1
Hi my name is Sonny. Some people call me Swillis

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I am Ryan, hello. 


I like dogs, I have a golden retriever. I enjoy a hot cup of joe. Tea to me is weak.


I enjoy parks, and biking, and drums and I love food. I eat all day long and can't stop eating. 


See yallz!

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hello everyone. I had no idea that there was even a community for Fido users!. How silly of me, especially since I have been a Fido user for 3 years. 


Anyways, here I am. I love photography, reading, biking, and anything to do with computers (and related stuff)



Hey guys I'm Frank

Not applicable

Name, nickname?



Cat or dog person?



Coffee or tea?

My fav is Tim Horton coffee, and McDonald as a close second.  I drink Tea when I have a cold or flu though.


Favorite meal?

Lasagna happens to be my favourite, and Pizza is a close second.


Moment of triumph?

When I win money at the Lottery


Fun fact about yourself?

I love travelling to different places.


Ultimate vacation destination?

Europe, mostly the Medeteranian region


Anything else?

I am a father so I don't get much sleep any more.

I'm experienced level 3
I'm experienced level 3

Name, nickname?

afterthefact (my band), ATF, julez


Cat or dog person?

Neither.  I am facinated by Octopus though. 


Coffee or tea?

Coffee, espresso.  I am quite the regular at the local Starbucks. 


Favorite meal?

I will eat just about anything but raw meat/fish.  BBQ is a favorite, so is Pizza.


Moment of triumph?

Touring Canada/USA with my band back in '98. 


Fun fact about yourself?

I've been very active on the internet since 1993.  Before that was very active on BBS's.  Yes, I'm a geek.


Ultimate vacation destination?

Not a big traveller - but I would say Tokyo, Egypt, Sicily, Mumbai are at the top of my list of places to see one day.


Anything else?

Became a father to a beautiful and bright daughter in 2015.  My life will never been the same (in a good way).

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Name, nickname?

chen bowen


Cat or dog person?



Coffee or tea?



Favorite meal?



Moment of triumph?

got hired by a dream company


Fun fact about yourself?

Born on the same day as US President Obama


Ultimate vacation destination?

Europe Austrilia 


Anything else?

I am a Marketing analyst and a balller

I'm qualified level 3
I'm qualified level 3

Name, nickname?

Wilfred, but the internet knows me as Wufai


Cat or dog person?

I was born in the year of the dog in the Chinese zodaic


Coffee or tea?

I like tea when I have no way of getting coffee, 2 cream please.


Favorite meal?

Sushi, love that raw fish! Steak is a close second.


Moment of triumph?

Anytime when I am able to do something I would otherwise pay money for. Gotta love the internet


Fun fact about yourself?

wait, what is this 'fun' you speak of?


Ultimate vacation destination?

Calgary, I heard you can see the northern lights there.


Anything else?

I have the most inconsistant set of hobbies that don't relate, adruino, photography, and tabletop wargaming.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3
Re: Introduce yourself!

Name, nickname?

Viv aka Foxycdn


Cat or dog person?

Both I prefer dogs


Coffee or tea?

Coffee, most of the time  but I  love my cuppa 


Favorite meal?

Thai or Indian food 


Moment of triumph?

My children. 


Fun fact about yourself?

I've been very active on the internet since 1995, A british expat adopted Canada over 40 years ago. Arrived here when  the "first" Trudeau was in power (and Justin was born that Christmas ).


Ultimate vacation destination?

Australia and New Zealand.  Still on my bucket list. (Lived and worked all over Europe and North America). 


Anything else?

I'm  a mother and grandma to 8 (including triplets). 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hello, I'm Adam! I work to much and have 3 kids Smiley

I'm an expert level 2
I'm an expert level 2

I'll just copy wufai's post and use it as a template.


Name, nickname?



Cat or dog person?



Coffee or tea?

Cofffee all day, tea if I am sick.


Favorite meal?

Dim sum.


Moment of triumph?

Birth of my kids


Fun fact about yourself?

Identical twin.


Ultimate vacation destination?

Australia, Israel, China, France, Greece, Italy and Spain on a year long tour. One can dream.


Anything else?

I'm a software developer and my hobbies mostly centre around technology, my kids and travel.