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can i do this?help!

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi, i am currently using a iphone 5S with Max data plan, but for my job, i will need a blackberry bold just for receiving email and bbm, but i don't want to open another plan to just receive email and bbm, is there a way i can just add on a blackberry data only plan and keep my existing account on my iphone?





***Edited to add labels***


I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

For BBM there's a new app that recently came out that allows cxs using an Iphone to have BBM, you even get a BBM PIN which you can give your coworkers!

Good luck

Not applicable
you dont even need a blackberry data plan for tihs, as your standard data plan (for iphone/smartphone) will work just fine when you install the bbm on your i phone