January 2021
Hi Fido Service Team,
I really lost trust from your customer service,
I was told something (not once but lots of time) but never happen in reality.
Because of wrong information, I have to pay $100 extra from my pocket.
January 2021
I got a call from Fido to get a plan and phone, which I accepted and I told that right now I am with "XYZ" provider and need to switch to fido before 15 days of the period. Unfortunately, the phone was back-ordered and I requested them to provide me service meanwhile I will wait for the phone.
I called 3-4 different customer service representative about this and all of them said "if you go to any fido store you can purchase new sim and service will be ported right away"
So I did the same, I visited one fido store they told me to go to the fido co-operate store and al last when I visited the cooperate store they told me this is not possible, we can do nothing unless your device gets shipped, and also checked with fido customer service they said we can not do anything.
If I could able to get this service earlier I could save lots all billing with the current provider.
I am upset because they all said the same and in the end, it was the wrong commitment.
January 2021
Hello @Hsbhatia93,
If you are worried about not being able to cancel the other provider before the time frame allowed you can cancel the contract by returning the device and stay on a month to month term until your Fido service can be activated and you can port the number over and it will cancel the other service provider account and you should be okay that way.
January 2021
Hey @Hsbhatia93,
Welcome aboard the Community!
I am sorry to learn that your experience was not a positive one. It's certainly not how we want it to be. Can you tell us a little bit about what the $100 were for?
January 2021
Hi @FidoSaira ,
My concern is why Fido customer service gave me the wrong commitment while selling the phone?
They could be told me that this the situation, but instead they were continuously saying you can go to the store start service any time without a phone.
I believe they were focused on selling their services, they don't care about customers.
January 2021
That's not how we want you to feel @Hsbhatia93! Did you end up contacting customer service to take a look at your options?
January 2021
While I understand you wished to take advantage of the the 15 days Satisfaction Guarantee period with your other provider and port your number back to us, some of our phones are back-ordered and can take a couple of weeks to be shipped. The order is only completed when the phone is shipped to the customer, so there's a delay. We're sorry that it didn't work out for you in that way.
We absolutely want the best for our customers, however, we cannot change the charges they are billed with other providers nor offer compensation for that.
You are welcome to contact us through these channels and we would be happy to look into your options with Fido.