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Winback offer help

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

At the start of my last billing cycle I notified Fido, I wanted to cancel at the end of the bill. Fido cut my service off at the end of the month as planned, and I had not had time to port out yet for my better pricing option at freedom, so I had them turn it back in for 48 hours. In that time I was contacted by Fido Winback to get the 25 gb plan. I agreed, and then they looked into it and said since I had not yet ported out I was not elgible, and they would call me back in a day. During that time I ported into freedom, and waited for my call back from winback. It never came... Im wondering how to contact them back at this point as they said I could take this offer. 



Hello @Chrispit,


The win back team is an outbound calling group so there is no way to directly call them back you will have to wait for them to call you. What you can do is call customer service and let them know and they can look at the account and if the win back team left any notes on the account the agent can forward a request to the team if there are no notes on the account then they will not be able to forward anything to the team.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Thanks for the note. I ended up doing that yesterday, and the customer serivce rep did see the notes. He forwarded off a request for a call back, but nothing yet. heres hoping.