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Voicemail only holds 3 messages

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Apparently all of a sudden my voicemail will only hold 3 messages. When I questionned this I was told I have to pay another 7$ a month to hold more messages? Is this a joke?



I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I was also surprised after knowing that Fido offers only 3 Voicemails and charge extra for additional VM. My mistake I didn't check prior porting my number to Fido, even Chatr offering more than 3 VM. At least Fido should offer 6 VM by default and charge minimum for and additional plan. 

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

We hear you, nixi, thanks for the suggestion!


That's a great idea! 


Now, we can't make any promises but we'll make sure that your feedback is seen by the right people.