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Province change

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

If I move to Ottawa from Montreal, can I keep my Quebec plan and retentions discount?
I saw old threads about this saying it was ok but it was before the prices varied so much between provinces. My plan in Ontario is $20 more than in Quebec, and that's not even counting my discount...




I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1
Ok so I take it this is a new policy cause all other posts asking this question got an answer that they can keep their plan.

Hey Renhebert! 


If you make a phone number change you'll have to take a plan compatible with your number and province. You won't be able to keep your plan with a number from Ottawa. 


I'm here if anything!



Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hi Renhebert!


To keep your Quebec plan, you'll need to keep your Quebec phone number and address. If you decide to change your number, you'd need to get a different plan, and if you get a different plan, the discounts may not be transferable. 


Let me know if you have any other questions. Smiley