I was one of I presume many Fido clients who had their substantial prepaid balance cancelled, charged $70 for the set-up fee, and subjected to other unfair practices in requiring a switch from prepaid to postpaid. I have now received a satisfactory settlement of all my issues, but to do it I had to make a formal complaint to the independent body Commission for Complaints for Telecom-Television Services (CCTS). My first attempts working through various Fido agents and their complaint services went nowhere. But once I filed with CCTS Fido began to pay attention and things happened fast. Their website is at ccts-cprst.ca . I appreciate their help.
Hello @PrepaidGuy Really sorry to learn that you are no longer with us. Your experience with us is our priority, so it's really sad for me to see that your transition from prepaid to postpaid didn't go as smoothly as it should. This fee allows customers to visit a Fido retail store within 15 days of their purchase to get help from a specialist to set up their device. This fee is waived when customers use Fido.ca to process their transaction. I'm glad to learn that the situation was resolved on your end.