January 2019
I got the following voicemail from the following phone number. A voicemail left on my phone asking me to call back foreign importance whatever for my Fido account. When I called Fido it seems that there is no reason for them to ask me to call them. This may be a scam. I'm leaving their voicemail here for all of you
Subject New Wireless voicemail message
From : 8664350619, Jan 24, 2019, 11:27:01 AM, 57 sec.
"Hello this is an important message from Fido at PO Box 11442 Montreal Quebec H3C5J2R contact number is 1-866-435-0619. This call is in regards to your Fido account. Please call us at your earliest convenience at toll free 1-866-435-0619. Our office hours are 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM Monday to Friday and 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday Eastern Time. The number again. Also conveniently shown on your call display."
To listen to your Wireless voicemail message click on the attachment.
January 2019
Hi @Babakh. Congrats of your first post.
Thank you very much for sharing and for your vigilance! Good catch!