November 2022
I got a home internet connection today from the bloor-yonge fido store. The Indian woman at the fido store lied to me. She said it was 45$ per month. But when i reached home i saw that its 90$. I am student and i cant afford to pay it. She blatantly lied to me and scammed me. This is illegal. Please help me
If this issue isnt resolved, I have to file a consumer complaint.
She gave me her phone number if that helps identifying the person. (**********)
November 2022
Hello @Sanjana2000,
Welcome to the community!
I see Fido currently have a 50% discount for 12 months on their internet packages, while your plan will display as $90 you should get the 50% discount on your invoice which would bring your cost to $45 and it will go back to $90 after the 12 months.