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Fido discontinuing prepaid what about existing customers?

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

There's a message on the fido prepaid section that prepaid would be discontinued on December 16, 2024


Does this mean all existing customers on prepaid will lose their plans?


What will they be transitioned to?


Will fido simply just cut the cord?


This isn't communicated well for existing fido prepaid customers what their plan will look like after.


I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

This is a blatant theft, worthy of class action lawsuit.

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

The fact that we lose the remaining balance on our prepaid account is totally unethical and blatant theft!  I have a prepaid account with a balance of $456 which my husband uses.  Like you, we received the message in October about the discontinuation of prepaid services, and the need to contact Fido etc.. etc... There was NO mention whatsoever that any balance left on the account would just be taken from us and non-transferable to a postpaid plan.  Absolutely unbelievable!  So much for being a loyal customer for over 20 years...

Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Vortex-5,


  Sorry to hear you may not have been informed regarding the discontinuation of Fido's pre-paid service. Fido had already suspended the service for new customers for a while now, directing them to Rogers pre-paid or Chatr (see here and here). So, I suspect the new announcement on the Pre-paid page affects all existing pre-paid customers. In addition, it appears as though Rogers is also halting its pre-paid offerings, directing pre-paid customers to Chatr as well.


 If you were not aware, you should note these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. We would not have all of the relevant information about the service other than what is provided on the website. If you would like additional information, they do provide a number to contact:


~taken from above link.


Hope this helps 😀



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I called that number and it turned out to be Rogers pre-paid services. They transferred me to Fido pre-paid services and the rep told me as of now there is no plan to transfer the balance either in monetary sense or in minutes to other plans.  In other words we lost all the prepaid amount.  I paid $100 in October so in essence I am cheated of $75-80.  That is unacceptable.  Is there any way for the forum to voice out to the management so that the existing customer can be transition out fairly.

Hello Zymonc,


  Welcome to the community!


  Sorry to hear you find the situation unacceptable. You should note these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. Many of us are fellow customers and would not have management's ear. That said, you should be able to bring your concern to the managment team here.


Hope this helps 😀



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hello Cawtau

Thank you for the link, I shall try it and see what they say.



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Last week I sent a message through the link provided by Cawtau, So far I have not received any reply from Fido management I hope if more people can send complain messages to the management that might get their attention and reconsider about their decision to forfeit the balance of the prepaid account after Dec 16.

Hey @zymonc 


Let's take another look at your account together! Feel free to contact us via our channels here 

You also have the option to contact us va social media on Facebook, X, and Instagram.


We hope to chat/talk with you soon! :grinning_face:




I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi FidoAnthony

On Sept 25 I paid $100 plus tax to renew my Fido prepaid one year plan.  In early October I heard Rogers and Fido shall discontinue the prepaid services as of Dec 16 2024 (I was not even one month into my new term).  I called Fido and was told the the news is correct and any balance in the account will be gone.  I think this is not a fair pactice to the customers.  I don't mind joining the post-paid plan offered by Rogers or Fido and keep my current phone number but I believe it is only fair that my balance (about $80 on Dec 16) be either refunded to me or transferred to the post-paid plan.  Afterall it is Fido that prematurely terminated the contract (so to speak) and the customers should be compensated rather than to bear any loss

We can certainly take a look. Please feel free to reach out to us via our channels here