April 2020
I received offer from Fido this morning for the executive plan for me. It's $35/month including 2GB. When I contact the agent of Fido by living chat. It's said no such offer to me. Anyone knows what's happened?
April 2020
Hello @DavidZ2,
Welcome to the community!
How did you receive the offer? Did it have instructions on what to do or did it give you a promo code to quote?
If live chat was unable to see the offer I would suggest you send a private message to @FidoSolutions and a moderator here in the community can look into it for you.
April 2020
Thanks for reply.
I received the offer by email this morning with the link of Check Out. It brought me to Fido website. After I log in, there is no such plan for me.
Would you please let me know who I should contact with? I could forward the email to him for reference.
May 2020
Hello again @DavidZ2.,
As I mentioned above send a private message to @FidoSolutions and a moderator here in the community can look into it for you.