January 2020
Hello Folks,
I am suffering from a situation about Fido charging me the same price as the contract ends.
They obviously know the BYOP plan is $10 lower with your own phone usually, but they take advantage of this by not telling the customer the contract ends and keep billing the same way. How could I get a a refund when I realized I got extra-charged? Online support doesn't seem to give me a good face.
Thanks for your help!
January 2020
Hello @sarahzhang1991,
Sorry that you feel disappointed, but Fido plans are not tab plans the subsidy is built into the plan, see here for an explanation.
January 2020
I don't think this attitude is the right one to improve your business. A 'to do' attitude is preferred instead of 'this is how it works' regarding customer first. Do something if you are having restrictions over the system, really disappointed as a 7-year loyal customer.