I am currently in Portland Maine and have had difficulty making calls. I have an LG Q6 phone and has no trouble receiving and sending text. WiFi also works. I currently have mobile data and roaming data turned off. I have tried turning on both mobile and roaming data and then tried making a call but no luck. When I dial a number, the display on my phone immediately shows call ending. Please advise.
Hello Kwongene,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear you're having issues making calls while in the US. It sounds like your issue may be related to the US shutdown of their '3G' or WCDMA/UMTS networks (see here). If your phone and/or plan are not supported for voLTE, calls won't work in the US as it would need a '3G' network to complete calls.
Where did you get your phone? As far as I can tell, there are some versions of the LG Q6 which are not capable of voLTE (see comments here). That said, some comments do suggest the Canadian version does appear to support voLTE.
Even if your version does support voLTE in Canada, it may not be supported in the US. For example, AT&T does not list that particular device as supported (see here). In addition, there are suggestions that T-Mobile does not support LG's implementation of voLTE (see here, here, and here). Furthermore, it appears as though Verizon might only support voLTE on their versions of devices (see here).
That said, have you verified you are using proper dialling format? You might need to include the International prefix (see here). Even though the US and Canada have the same codes, they may need to be included if you are roaming. Assuming you are trying to call a number in Canada or the US, you can dial your number using +1 + area code + phone number.
Unfortunately, if your phone is not supported for voLTE in the US, you won't be able to use the device for calls.
Hope this helps 😀