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Can I get my friend's plan?

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi dear Fido, just got one question to ask.

I am still a university student so I would like to pick the kind of mobile plan that can contain a bit much data, phone call time. Then I selected the plan costs me 55$/month with 2GB data and 500 limited phone time. Actually it should be enough for me to use as a student. 

But I just know that one my firend, his plan is costing only $45 and get 6GB data with unlimited phone time.

He shows me this on his acount information indeed.

Can I get this plan as well?


Thank you in advance!


I'm qualified level 2
I'm qualified level 2

Also, plans are different per province. For example, 6GB/unlimited minutes BYOP is $85/month in Ontario and $49/month in Québec.


Hello @Jchoen,


Welcome to the community!


It depends you friend could have a plan that is no longer offered which will make it a grandfathered plan it could also be a loyalty plan which can vary depending on the account. 


If you login to your account then click on change plan you can see a list of plans that you are eligible for, it will also show you plans that is exclusive to you.