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Blackberry data on iPhone 5?

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Hi all,


I am currently using a blackberry on fido, with the bb data plan.  I would like to switch to an iphone 5 and from time to time use my blackberry using a sim adapter.  My question is can I leave my bb data on or will it automatically get taken off my plan once I use the nano sim card for the iphone.


I was planning on using the nano sim in the iphone, then putting it in a sim adapter and back into my blackberry from time to time to check up on my blackberry messages.  I heard that the Blackberry data will still work with an iphone, but not sure if the switch to a nano sim will affect the blakberry data.


Anybody have any experience with this?




Former Moderator
Former Moderator

hi there ,


You shouldn't have any issues whatsoever.