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Bad experience

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Very disappointed with Fido. I'm customer for about 3 years,  paid all my bills on time, never any problem.  I discovered that on my February 2021 bill, they charge me almost $ 38.00 for international call. I contacted Fido to let them know, that's  impossible. I make all my international calls on Watsup, because I can not afford to do a regular call. They insisted that I did, but I  know it didn't happened. It feels like a scam, because I'm a senior. Not even tried to work with me, very bad customer service.  I'll try to cancel my contract with them and find an honest provider.

I don't think I can recommend them to anyone after that.


Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Dixie11,


  Welcome to the coommunity!


  Sorry to hear you received an unexpected charge for International long-distance. I understand you make most of your International calls via WhatsApp, however, people often aren't aware that many voIP apps will switch to cellular network minutes if the data connection is not adequate (see here). It sounds like a similar situation might have occurred in your case. If WhatsApp did switch to cellular minutes, the same would have happened with a different network.


  If you usually use WhatsApp via Wifi, you might consider enabling Airplane or Flight mode prior to any International calls. You could then manually enable Wifi to use WhatsApp. The Airplane or Flight mode would prevent any call from switching to cellular network minutes if the data connection deteriorates. I understand the extra steps might seem tedious, however, I haven't found any settings within WhatsApp to prevent the switch-over.


Hope this helps 😀

