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Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

The Fido internet modem is both easy to connect and easy to use. However, just to be safe, here are some tips in case you run into any obstacles.


First off, it’s important to understand the light patterns on the modem. These indicators will help you determine the issue. The key indicators are the first four: Power, US, DS and Online.


When powering on, the modem goes through this cycle:

  • The Power light turns on
  • The US light starts blinking
  • The US light becomes solid and the DS light starts blinking
  • The DS light becomes solid and the Online light starts blinking
  • The Online light goes solid, and the US and DS lights turn blue.

Once the five steps are completed, your internet is up and running. If your modem stays on one of these steps for more than 3 minutes, something’s not going as planned.


Here are different measures you can take depending on which step the cycle was interrupted:


If your modem stops on Step 1:


Try connecting the modem to a different power outlet. If this fails, make sure that you are using the power cable that was provided with the modem. If that doesn’t work, you will need to get in touch with our technical support team. You can chat with them here or call them at 1-888-259-3436.


If your modem stops on Step 2, 3, or 4:


If this is the first time you install the modem:

  • Try a different cable outlet. It is possible that not all cable outlets in your home are connected to our internet service.
  • Verify the coaxial cable connections and make sure they are tight and well fitted. If there is a splitter, attempt to disconnect it and connect the modem straight to the cabling from the wall.

If these steps don’t resolve the issue, we recommend that you get in touch with our Technical support team.


If this is not the first-time installation:

  • Restart the modem by disconnecting the power cable for 30 seconds, and then reconnect it.
  • Verify the coaxial cable connections and make sure they are tight. If there is a splitter, attempt to disconnect it and connect the modem straight to the cabling from the wall.
  • If all else fails, you can perform a modem reset. This will wipe all your passwords back to default, so you will need to setup your Wi-Fi again.

If you are still unable to connect to the internet after following these steps, you’ll need to contact our technical support.


Here are some tips to optimize your speed and signal: