February 2024
Dear FIDO team, I would like you to review the value of my invoice for the month of February 2024 since the value of the monthly payment that I agreed was 70 dollars and this invoice arrived for 25 dollars more. Please review the invoice and make the corresponding adjustment. thank you
February 2024
Hello Linita,
Welcome to the community!
Firstly, you should note that this is the community forum and not intended as a venue for customer services. We do not have access to customers' accounts. We would not be able to verify the additional charges on your account.
Have you had a chance to view the details of your bill? You can do so via your My Account --> View & Manage bill. From your Bill overview, you can View and/or Save a PDF copy of your bill. Alternatively, you should be able to view additional charges online through the Usage summary. Is it possible the additional charges are for overages or long-distance charges?
You should note Fido / Rogers has increase the monthly fees for some customers' plans (see here). Fido usually provides notification of price increases in your bill a few months prior to any actual increase. As far as I am aware, the customers were notified back in December (see here). Is it possible your monthly fees had increased?
If you wish to discuss the matter, you would need to contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
Hope this helps 😀