September 2020
I called Fido customer service on September 12, 2020, and informed the receptionist that I would not renew my internet service agreement. I asked how can I return the modem to the Fido store on expiry. He told me I had to return it within five days after expiry.
Unexpectedly my internet service was cut-off by Fido on the same day, September 12, 2020.
On Sunday, September 13, 2020, Fido sent a bill to me for the modem rental charge.
On Monday, September 14, 2020, I went to a Fido store at Pacific Mall, 4300 Steeles Avenue East, Markham, and returning the modem to the store staff. The staff checked on the computer and said I had to send it back by mail. I said I did not know where I had to send it. He asked me to call the Chinese customer service.
I called the Chinese customer service and the staff told me that Fido will send me a carton with returning mail label within 4-5 days.
On September 17, 2020, I called the Chinese customer service again and the staff said I had to wait for one more day. Up to the present moment, I did not receive anything from Fido.
I could not understand why I cannot return the modem to the Fido store and spare all the inconvenience.
September 2020
Hey @PhilipC5! Philippe here. I hope you're doing well.
I'm sad to read about your experience. We certainly did not want to inconvenience you.
To answer your question, the methods of return for the modem is normally determined at the time you request the deactivation of the service. It would seem that the courrier option was selected in your case. It cannot be changed once the order is processed.
I hope that helps!