February 2020
Modem fails frequently and does not seem to support multiple devices at home. Very weak signal even when sitting in the same room with the modem, asking for replacement for something more powerful but they said if not the issue, event I increased the internet speed as been suggested by thecnician but still getting slow internet and sometimes broken connection, could someone please help me Whit this issue.
February 2020
Hey @Gus64,
Sorry to hear you're having difficulties with the internet. We'll do our best to assist you here.
It's good to know that depending on the internet package, the number of devices you can connect to the modem varies. If you have more than an optimal number of devices connected to the modem, it will impact the speed.
Which package do you have and how many devices are connected to it?
Are your devices connected to different bands as well? (2GHz vs 5GHz)
Did you also run a speed test?
You can check out a few tips on how to optimize your speed right here.
That said, if you are authorized for a modem exchange by our technical support team, we'd suggest that you go ahead and try that to see if it resolves the situation.
June 2020
Hi @FidoSaira
Would you be able to provide a link request a modem exhange, or at least to see if we're eligible? I have tried navigating the site but it is a nightmare.
June 2020
Hey @umbrella123,
We'll be happy to help you with exchanging your modem.
Feel free to contact us here and we'll be happy to help you!