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Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)



You tap, Fido donates!


Fido lends its support to the Swab The World foundation with a donation of up to $30,000! Help Fido give back, one tap at a time. 


For each customer who taps, Fido will donate $1 to this organization that’s dedicated to giving everyone the same fighting chances against blood cancer.  


Go ahead and tap to help us reach the total donation amount! 


Fido Terms and Conditions 

For each Fido customer who taps the button in Fido XTRA as instructed, Fido will donate $1 to Swab The World, up to $30,000. Limit of one (1) tap in Fido XTRA per Fido customer. 


Fido XTRA Terms and Conditions

Perks available in FIDO XTRA are subject to the FIDO XTRA TERMS AND CONDITIONS.