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How to launch Multi Window on Samsung Galaxy S8 or S9

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

The easiest way to enter Multi Window mode is by long-pressing the Recents key while within an app. But to do that, you'll have to first enable the feature from the settings:


  1. Open "Settings" from the app drawer or home screen.
  2. Navigate to "Advanced features".
  3. Tap Multi window.

  4. Toggle the Use Recents button to enable Multi Window mode.
  5. Hit the Use Recents button.
  6. Select the view you'd like to use with Multi Window.




And now you can launch Multi Window mode.


  1. Press the Recents key to access the list of recent apps.
  2. Select the first app by pressing on its Multi Window mode button.
  3. Now select the second app by either browsing from the list of running apps or using the More apps button.
