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Whats DECF? applies every month or once?

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

i was thinking of getting data, and maybe canceling after, will i have to pay 10$ a month or 200 all together



***Edited to add labels***


I'm qualified level 1
I'm qualified level 1

DECF = Data Early Cancellation Fee


Example: phoneX retail price ( excl taxes ) is 100$.  You see that if you just take a voice with contract that the phone price now become 75$ ( 25$ subsidy ). You also see that if you take a data contract the phone price become 25$ (additonal 50$ subsidy).   Let's assume 6 mths down the road you decide you do not want the data option and you request to remove it.  You wil then be charged DECF on a prorated basis for the remainder of time left on your data contract.

I'm an expert level 2
I'm an expert level 2

You pay it once.