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Samsung Galaxy Q Chinese dtsplay problem

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Is there any update for galaxy Q Chinese display??? There are quite a few of frequently used Chinese characters displayed as "?". It is quite annoying when all the chinese words like "no", "more", "year", "degree", "old", "woman" are all becomes "?".



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator
Hey Justin_Lun!

Did you contact Samsung about this? They would be the ones providing you with such an update. You can reach them at 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864).

@ Community : Does anyone know about such an update?

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2
I called Samsung Canada and they said that Galaxy Q does not support Chinese and they cannot do anything about it. I call Samsung Hong Kong and they said that Galaxy Q is not available in Hong Kong and they do not have any information about this phone and cannot help me. Since Fido sells Galaxy Q, may be Fido can contact Samsung Canada and ask for software update to support Chinese.