March 2024
Hi. I got a new phone from Fido chat and explained to them that I have a phone that I want to trade in and they said OK and we also talked about the price and everything. I now got my new phone in the mail and activated my account and started using it. When I use the link below, and I select my phone and answer yes to all questions it asks me to either sign in or visit a store:
Device Services (
When I sign in, it goes to my account and that's it. It doesn't continue the trade in. When I use this link again and again, the same thing. I also visited two stores and they said it's against their policy to accept my trade in becasue I got my account activated online. I also talked to their managers.
When I talk to the chat service they say they cannot initiate the trade in. They say do it online or visit the store.
I am now stuck with my old phone that no one can help me trade it in.
What should I do? Is there someone with similar experience?
March 2024
Hi @hamedvlpr if you are unable to submit a trade in for your device, you may want to consider selling it privately through one of the many re-sale venues on line. Having said that, please do it safely and if possible to arrange an in person meeting in a safe public space to complete the sale. OR you may decide to keep it as a back up in case you lose or damage your new device. I'm sorry that you were disappointed with your trade in process. Regards