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My LG Gossip turns off the minute I try and log into my email via mobile mail

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1


I had saved my email address on mobile mail for quick access but as of a couple weeks ago, every time I click "sign in", my phone shuts off completely. I signed up for email alerts so I have had alerts come up whenever I get mail, but since my phone shuts off, I am unable to check my emails.

I get charged everytime I get an email so I'd really like to know how I can reset my phone somehow, or do something else so I am able to delete my email address from mobile mail.


I have tried turning my phone off and waiting 15 minutes before turning it off. I have also, taken out my battery and S.I.M card from my phone and replacing them 20 Minutes later and then try signing into my email address via mobile mail but with no luck. My phone still shuts off.


Please help if you can. I'm getting charged for emails I am not able to even read. I want to be able to delete my email account complelyy from mobile mail.


Thank you.



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator
Hello Ants!

Is the issue still ongoing? If so, I would suggest that you try to proceed with a master reset of your device by going under Settings - Privacy. You may require the security code which by default is 0000.

Should the issue persist, I would suggest that you go to a Fido store to benefit from the Repair and Loaner program.

A representative will be able to look into it with you and if needed, he will also be able to send your phone in for repair.

To find the nearest store from you which offers this service, please click on the following link:

Please make sure that you click on the check box next to Repair and Loaner service in order to only find the stores which offer it.

Let us know how it goes!