July 2014
Hey guys & gals,
Does anyone who's be more active here know IF Fido will carry the Galaxy S5 Prime? If so, would they just make it say 100$ more expensive than regular S5, or would they drop the price of the S5?
Thinking of upgrading from S2 to S5 but 400$ on Tab24 is max Im willing to put upfront.... so if price of the S5 will drop when the Prime comes out, then id rather wait!
Educated guesses?
July 2014
July 2014
Did the S4 on smartplan pricedrop at the moment the S5 came out or was it a few months later? The S5 Prime is scheduled for release in Canada in the autumn if my internet sources are accurate. So that would help me find out if S5 price would be dropped at that moment or say 6 months after the S5 Prime comes on board...if it comes on board.
July 2014
@Anonymous wrote:
Did the S4 on smartplan pricedrop at the moment the S5 came out or was it a few months later? The S5 Prime is scheduled for release in Canada in the autumn if my internet sources are accurate. So that would help me find out if S5 price would be dropped at that moment or say 6 months after the S5 Prime comes on board...if it comes on board.
Yes and no. I remember the s4 changing prices every month or so. Dropping to around 350 or so around christmas but then go back to 450$. Then again went down to 350 and back. Then it is true that around april went to 200$ when S5 was announced then back to 250$.
But S4 was out for so long at that point (almost 1 year) which makes sense. If S5 would go down, I would guess it would be when S6 comes out. Maybe during winter holidays too, but I doubt it will drop in price 3 months after release...