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Customer Service MisGuide

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I was told by Toronto eton center customer service, that I can call India for free. I take the sim from there. Now, when I call India for a month, I have been charged. 

I don't know why they just want to sell their sim. And tell anything to sell. It a very wrong way of customer service.

I have also been told my 2nd or 3rd-month bill will be 40 to 50 cad less because I have paid 105 for the first month. But I received 55 plus 40(int call) = 105 bills.

It's very annoying.  



Hey @sajal123,


We're sad to learn of your recent experience with our stores. Agents shouldn't be providing you with misinformation about your plan and features.

We'd love to review this with you and work towards a solution!


You can get in touch with us on Facebook or Twitter by sending us a private message, or we can PM you here if you'd like!