2 weeks ago
I don't want to leave Fido but I'm tempting.
I know, I don't get why anyone would stay with Fido when Public's plans are so much better in the same coverage area.
2 weeks ago
Hello SGenis,
If you were not already aware, you should note these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. We would not be privy to any potential upcoming offers on plans or promotions. Even if someone had that information, they would not be able to discuss such matters until after an official announcement was made on Fido.ca.
That said, I think it would be unlikely they offer a similar plan. Firslty, Public Mobile is a pre-paid only service. It's interesting that they offer that plan while their sibling provider, Koodo, does not seem to offer a Canada-US plan outside of Québec (similar to Fido). Fido no longer offers pre-paid services to new customers. In addition, Public Mobile is a self-serve provider. Their plans can be cheaper due to their lack of customer service.
Hope this helps 😀