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"Change sim card service" for Business account

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1



I'm an existing fido user and I just got a new SIM card today at vancouver Fido kiosk.

The fido kiosk staff told me I need to go online, log onto my account to change my SIM. 

However, when I log onto my fido account, It did not have " My Fido Service "or "Change your SIM card" option. 
Maybe it's because my number is under a business account?


How can I change my SIM?



***Edited to add labels***




Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hi gll3,


Yes, it would be because you have a business account and the phone number in question is most likely not assigned as the primary number. 


You can contact customer service via Live Chat or by calling us at 1-888-481-3436 to change the SIM.