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Upgrading at end of 2yr Tab

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Well, I've just about had it with my phone, and my 2 year Tab is ending within the next month.


I am a little bit confused as to how upgrading works when I want to keep my plan. 


My question is, if I wish to keep my Smart Plan, will the renewal count towards getting a new phone at a "discounted" up front payment? For example, new members would get the Samsung Galaxy S6 for $400 on a new 2yr tab. Am I given the same opportunity when keeping my plan, or do I have to pay more?


I'm qualified level 1
I'm qualified level 1
The problem with this is Fido has changed the names of the plans. For instance one of my plans is labelled as Canada Wide plan. Now Fido won't tell me if that's a smart plan or a max plan or exactly what they consider it. I'm guessing that's because they'd like me to dump my current plan in favour of a new one.

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @farfar91 

Welcome to the Community!

You can keep your SMART plan for sure if you want to renew on a new tab with a phone.

The subsidy of the new phone depends on which plan category you are on. You'll be able to receive a Smart subsidy! If you take a look on, you'll see the phone pricing according to your plan.

I hope this answers your question!


Don't hesitate to reach out to us in private message on Facebook or Twitter if you want some help with the upgrade Smiley