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Number not valid to be transferred

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2



I wanted to take advantage of this offer:


"Add a line and get a $5/month discount for 24 months AND a 2GB data bonus!"


I'm trying to add an additional line porting my husband's line that he has with Rogers, but when I enter the phone number this message pops: 


"Sorry! This number cannot be transferred. Please enter another number."


Any idea why is not elegible? We even called Rogers to see if the number was blocked but it's not.




Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Andreu,


  Welcome to the community!


  I recently replied to a similar thread here. There's a link which lists some possible reasons why number ports have not gone through. You might consider verifying whether mismatched information could be the issue. In addition, the issue could be related to different accounts. It's possible the issue stems from trying to port from his account to your account. Perhaps he could create his own account with Fido, port the number over, and then amalgamate the two accounts at a later date? However, I do understand that doing so would not likely be eligible for that promotion.


  Also, it mentions that only the primary account holder is authorised to make the request. Was it yourself or your husband who was the primary account holder for his phone number with Rogers?


Hope this helps 😀




In addition, is



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2



It was me requesting from my Fido account. There is no mismatched information either, simply when I enter the phone number that I want to port it says it's not valid. We called Rogers and they said everything is correct on their end and the number is not blocked in order to be ported. So I don't really understand the reason. Would Fido customer service be able to explain?



Hello again,


  Thanks for the additional information. I understood it was you requesting from your Fido account. However, the number you're trying to port from Rogers, was that your account as well? Are you the primary account holder for his Rogers phone number?


Hope this helps 😀




I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2



The Rogers number and account belongs to my husband. It's not my account. Is that an issue?


Thank you very much

Hello again,


  It's possible that could be an issue. As mentioned above, only the primary account holder can request the number port. If your husband was the primary account holder on his account with Rogers, your request to port his number could have been denied because you are not the primary account holder of that phone number. That is why I suggested your husband request the port to an account in his name and then merge the two accounts at a later date. Again, I do understand doing so would likely be ineligible for that promotion.


Hope this helps 😀

