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Moving to full online billing: Thank you, Fido! :)

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

I hadn't been able to get to (and thus my account) in the last three or four days; I tried multiple browser varieties just to see if it was something particular to one or the other, as well as a DNS flush (no other sites had been behaving any differently). But this evening, a little while past midnight, I tried: there you are! Smiley


I got my final print bill (per the mandated change) earlier this week, and now that I've set up my account to have the next bill and onwards sent to my email address, I feel a lot better. I assumed that the site outage (if it was that specifically or not) would only be temporary, which it ended up being; as you have done when I've needed a hand since I was with you under Microcell's purvue in 1999, and then after you became part of Rogers a number of years back, I am regularly impressed with how you folks handle things at your end.


I have yet to regret sticking with Fido as my one and only cellphone service provider, and I thought with this particular change (the removal of paper billing) it was a suitable time to post in here on the subject of being a very satisfied veteran Fido user. 


Have yourselves an excellent one!




Hey @LittleBlackDog 


Wow !! We are really happy that you have been with us for so long.



We appreciate the comments, giving you a great service is our priority Smiley



I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Kenny, good morning!


Pleased to be on board with you and the folks at Fido, and to have been for...well, this November will make it twenty years, if I'm going back to the Microcell days when my Da and I signed me up for my package and phone in 1999. My first cellphone was a Nokia 5190, my little black gem with a monochrome LCD screen. I even got a bonus package of a spare battery and my first handsfree set (an earbud and mike, plugged into the port at the bottom next to where the charger plug went in), and I believe a silver faceplate to exchange with the standard-issue one. My current phone, bought from you excellent folks back in October of last year, is an LG G6, and I've been having a blast working with my second of two full-touchscreen smartphones.


I stopped in here just after going to my account page, and downloading a PDF copy of my monthly bill (which I did receive, the last one I'll have from you in paper-mail format), and if my future online copies will look like the one I downloaded in PDF format of mine today and pretty much identical to my old print bills, I'm thoroughly sold in advance on the electronic bills. Printing them out will be a snap, if I need a copy on paper.


I hope you and the folks at Fido Customer Service have yourselves an excellent one, and again, thank you for the service you always provide and have provided as well as you have! Smiley