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I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I have just boughten a phone from fido, i heard that they have great coverage all across canada. I get to my home in Margaree Harbour where all the friends i have get great coverage and service with different companies so i figured fido would be just as good! BUT there is no service to be found here anywhere for fido. This NEEDS to be changed. to have the BEST agreement for people whom have a hard time with credit checks and not to have the poorest communities involved in your service coverage seems strange to me! PLEASE GET SERVICE IN THESE REGIONS! IM COUNTING ON IT!!! 



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hi there Chris902, 


I'm sorry to see that no reply was originally provided; I did wish to add information to update the matter at hand. 


Please note that Fido now offers the Extended Coverage; (since March 4th 2015) Extended Coverage allows our customers access to our roaming partners’ networks for talk, text and data services across Canada outside of the Rogers network coverage area and is available at no extra charge. On most devices, Customers will see ‘Rogers-EXT’/ ‘Fido-EXT’ or a roaming indicator on their device screen, which means they’re in an Extended Coverage area. Any talk, text or data you use in an Extended Coverage area is included as part of your current plan and will be billed in the same way as usage on the Rogers/Fido network. 


Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further inquiries. 


I hope this information could be of use to someone, somewhere out there ^_^