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How much for data usage without data plan?

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi, where can I find the rate for data usage on my phone? I dont have any data plan or add on for data and I was charged for using about 1.4mb of data and the total charge is very high. I would like to see where on the website, since my contract agreement doesn't specifiy the price either. I am located in Alberta, Canada and have not even come near to the US border so roaming charges are/should be out of the question.




***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Pay per use data is not available in Canada. If you don't have a data option you do not have access to data via our network. When accessing any application that requires data, you will receive a message asking to opt for a data pass (given you are not connected to a WiFi network of course)


Should you of been charged for data pay per use while in Canada, I invite you to contact our solution center at 1888 481-3436. It's either not data, data roaming, or a billing error.


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