November 2022
I have been trying to get through since last Friday without any success. I woke up early just to try again at 5:06am. Still waiting. LIve chat doesn't work either. It can't place me in a queue. Not sure how else I can speak to an agent. I have been a customer over 25 years and I want to see if you can match an offer. Since I can't get through regardless of how hard I try, looks like I will just switch provider. This is worse than trying to get through to the airlines. With them, at least they give me a call back option. I don't have all day to sit by the phone to wait. This is absolutely unacceptable!
November 2022
Good morning @jenn31, sorry you're having trouble connecting with an agent to discuss your plan. Have you tried contacting fidosolutions on Twitter or Facebook? I usually go the Twitter route myself as I can then carry on with my day and converse by direct message with someone. It's always pretty busy, so Twitter might be a good alternative for you. Cheers